How has social media marketing changed over the years?

Social media has brought about a revolutionary change for companies by offering incredible opportunities to market their products and services to a much wider audience and building a strong brand reputation. Companies dedicate an entire department to exploiting the wonders of social media marketing. As social media channels grew and increased in variety, content marketing gained popularity among online marketers The companies' social media strategy began to shift from “vanity metrics” as marketers felt pressure to demonstrate an ROI for your online efforts. Content marketing, such as blog posts and other content forms, was used to entice people back to the company's website, where they could become leads and sales.

This meant that the metric of choice was conversions and the focus was more on sales. Social media has revolutionized the Internet marketing landscape. It has opened up two-way communication between the brand and the public. It has also given companies full control over who they want to target with their advertising.

Here's a GIF to Prove How Explosive Social Media Growth Has Been Over the Last 12 Years. However, greatness requires a little patience. The interactive may need a few seconds to load. There is a video below in case you don't want to wait.

Video is perhaps the most attractive part of the media. So, it's a big part of social media. Whether it's YouTube, Instagram or Snapchat, video is at the heart of the evolution of social media marketing. Video is used in many different ways to market to businesses.

The dot-com bubble of 1995-2002 was a critical event that allowed the Internet to become a viable marketing tool. It started with search marketing, prompting brands to create websites to establish an online presence. As Google, Yahoo and MSN search engines evolved, companies turned to SEO strategies to stay on top of search results. With social media, companies can show a human side and develop a connection with their audience.

This can mean posting stories behind the scenes, taking a stance on a social issue, or simply creating content where your personality can shine. From direct messages from Instagram and Twitter to Facebook messages, a large percentage of customer service inquiries originate from social media. Influencer marketing has probably been the biggest change in marketing we've seen in the last decade. Social media has impacted companies of all sizes in different ways, and no industry has been left intact.

Companies that fail to develop a coherent and engaging social media presence are not taking full advantage of the marketing tools available in today's competitive marketplace. Document highlights on your social media accounts: it's a quick way to create a UGC snowball effect. In addition, social media content cannot be blatant advertising: consumers are immune to this type of marketing. Most companies want to run ads from time to time, and social media allows you to run free ads and campaigns in one place.

Email became a new outbound marketing tool, joining the traditional arsenal of television, radio and print ads and telephone sales. This was partly due to the feeling that people can jump to social media and have conversations whenever they want. Email joined outbound marketing tactics and the arrival of search engines enabled the first inbound marketing. The most effective way to take advantage of the popularity of social media is to tap into existing audiences.

Most companies will sell themselves in social media marketing, but finding success in this field requires a deep understanding of what causes people to share and interact with content on social media. .

Aileen Decos
Aileen Decos

Amateur coffee aficionado. Infuriatingly humble social media geek. Infuriatingly humble beer geek. Proud social media ninja. Hipster-friendly zombie specialist. Infuriatingly humble twitter lover.